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Theatre of Illusion, RA installation

Creative direction, character design, animation, editing, compositing, installation, model making

Motion piece for an immersive installation ‘Theatre of Illusion’ at Royal Academy of Art Late Event Venetian Magic. The brief was to create an immersive installation as part of RA Lates dedicated to the ‘In The Age of Giorgione’ exhibition. The installation had to evoke Venetian Renaissance time.

I created two motion pieces along with the Gothic facades of Venetian Palazzi: Palazzo Dario and Cantarini Fasan where the theatrical atmosphere of the Carnivale and Italian Commedia del’Arte unfold.

Exhibited at Royal Art Academy Lates, as part of The Age of Giorgione exhibition, London, 14 May 2016

Screening at RA, Theatre of Illusion
