BBC Tiny Happy People
creative direction, illustration, animation, social assets

BBC Tiny Happy People’s social media is a place where parents can seek information and allows them to relate to parents who might be going through a similar situation.
Objekt have been producing content for BBC Tiny Happy People which focuses on parental relationships with an emphasis on communication, language development and literacy skills.
Objekt have been producing content for BBC Tiny Happy People which focuses on parental relationships with an emphasis on communication, language development and literacy skills.

I was responsible for the production of the monthly animated pieces and illustrations for social media stories and posts. These visuals were tailored to resonate with a family audience, particularly younger children, while staying true to the vibrant color scheme of the THP brand.
Collaborating with the Tiny Happy People as part of Objekt provided me with the opportunity to experiment with diverse animation and illustration techniques, enabling me to approach visual storytelling in a distinctive manner. ︎
Collaborating with the Tiny Happy People as part of Objekt provided me with the opportunity to experiment with diverse animation and illustration techniques, enabling me to approach visual storytelling in a distinctive manner. ︎